77th Founders' Day - Holy Cross High School
It's the 77th anniversary of the kids' school's founding and Louie's class sang the Invocation and National Anthem at the Cultural Night on Thursday.

On our way to the gym, we saw Diane at a computer shop and invited them to come to the show. They had to leave after the first performance but Bill said it was wonderful they had a chance to be there; if they'd known, they could have made it a field trip for the kids at Bonbonon.

Jordi was narrator and one of the bad guys in the elementary department's entry, "The 13 Stones." They had to wait more than 2 hours, being last to perform, but the wait was made more bearable by their being in the airconditioned AVR. He was so excited he forgot to eat and was sick all day Friday and couldn't go join their parade.

Only Louie got to see the entire show since Jordi was at the AVR. This is his closest friend Maika Quevenco.

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