Sta. Catalina
No, those aren't the kids, we didn't take them along for this trip or it would have been an endless round of "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" and when we'd get to where we were going it would've been "We suffered that long ride for this?". I thought this was a nice view on the West side of Negros Island. That's the Sulu Sea and over the horizon are The Tubbataha Reefs and beyond that, Palawan.
Every summer now for the past 2 years, at the end of April or beginning of May, Sta. Catalina has been offering 5-day trips to Tubbataha. They've used the huge fishing boats based in the town but they have plans of building a live-aboard vessel with cabins and showers (! none of those on the fishing boats) and facilities for divers.
A friend of mine, Michael, was able to go both times and he took the most incredible photos of the places they visited. He invited us both times, too, but you know how it is...

Dominique keeps reminding me to keep photos to a minimum of 1, a maximum of 2, when blogging and I'm trying really hard to do that. This one's on a stretch of road somewhere between Sta. Catalina and Siaton. I just thought you might want to see this. Wouldn't you like to travel down a road like this, too? No wonder those guys in the bicycle clubs like doing this circuit so much. And it's not like this all the way, too. You pass by rice fields and sugar cane fields, with mountains fading into the background and you never lose sight of the sea for more than a few minutes at a time.

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