Angelic Faces for Kuya
Patrick texted yesterday that he needed family photos for a school project so I immediately sent him lots (thanks to Picasa and Gmail). This morning, as we were hurrying to church he texted again that he mostly needed portraits of the immediate family, so took these photos of my not-so-little angels.

Jordi finally got through Harry Potter 6, after several "detours". He read "Charlotte's Web" and "Robin Hood" again, "The War of The Worlds", and one other book, plus constructed the biggest ship I've seen made out of Lego blocks. He says it's an aircraft carrier based on the ones in a book on military vehicles Louie had borrowed from the library.

Ok, this doesn't quite qualify as "angelic", so would "impish" do? Louie always gets in trouble with Jordi after Sunday Mass because in the car on the way home, he's still singing the songs from Children's Liturgy of the Word. Louie: "The Lord is my light and salvaaaation; I am not afraid." Jordi:"Stop it! Stop it! It's killing me."
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