Fred's Dogs
This is the view from Fred's porch and that's the Alpha male of his dogs, a German Shepherd among Labradors. I can't remember its name, though.

I thought we could only toss them bread, but apparently, they also eat fresh young coconut! The minerals in it are supposed to give their coats shine. Who would've thought!

After their coconut treat, they were allowed on to the beach for a quick game of catch and a swim. They rinsed off at the back of the house, beside a well that about 2 ft down looked like it had been there for a hundred years. Fred says it probably was about that old since it was already there when they bought the lot.

Louie had been intrigued by the shape and size of this bougainvillea, and the dogs were already in their cages, so he ventured down and tried it for size. From left to right, the three legs of this "pergola" are lomboy, bougainvillea, and kalamunggay. It must look really nice when it has flowers.

Hi, nice pictures you have on your blog. Where are they all taken??? Keep up the good work, and ill be visiting from time to time :)
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